In this lab we performed various chemical reactions. We recorded our observations, identified the type of reactions, and wrote balanced chemical equations for each. The purpose of this lab is to become more familiar with the five types of chemical reactions.
1. Obtain 3 small test tubes
2. In the first test tube, place a piece of zinc about 1/2 mL of CuSO4n solution. Record observations.
3. In the second test tube add about 1/2 mL Ba(NO3) solution to about 1/2 mL of CUSO4 solution. Record observations.
4. In the third test tube place a piece of magnesium ribbon. Add about 1/2 mL of HCl solution.Record observations.
5. Light a Bunsen burner (burning propane gas, C3H8). Record observations of flame.
6. Rinse out the first test tube. Add about 2 mL H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
7. Add a pinch of MnO2 (catalyst) to the H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
Chemical Reactions:
In our first test tube we put 1/2 mL of CuSO4 (copper Sulfate) which had a blue color to it and then added a piece of zinc which turned the liquid from blue to clear with actual copper metal forming at the bottom of the test tube.
In the second test tube we added about 1/2 mL of Ba(NO3)2 (Barium Nitrate) solution to about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 (Copper Sulfate) solution.The precipitate (which had a white solid texture to it) went to the bottom because of the density which was higher than the barium nitrate.
In the third test tube we placed a piece of magnesium ribbon, and about 1/2 mL of HCL solution. The solutions mixed fizzed and then the magnesium ribbon completely dissolved.The final solution was a clear liquid.
We then lit a bunsen burner (burning propane gas, C3H8). We used a striker to ignite our flame on the burner. The flame at first started out blue and then as it grew it turned to orange.
After we lit our burner we rinsed our first test tube and placed 2mL of H2O2 solution (hydrogen peroxide),after this we then heated it slowly. It caused the solution to start fizzing and bubbling, the longer we heated it the more it boiled. We were sure not to heat it to fast, if we did it would boil over.
After we recorded our observation we added a pinch of MnO2(catalyst) to the H2O2 solution. We then re-heated it. This caused the same boiling reaction and the color to change to thick gray. The gas was escaping so quickly that it caused a ring of gas and liquid to shoot up and out of the test tube.
We recorded our observations, By identifying the type of reactions and balancing chemical equations for each. We were able to become more familiar with five of the many chemical reactions.